Frau auf Felsen im Wadi Shab Oman

Oman Journeys

Maßgeschneiderte Oman Reisen vom Spezialisten

The fjords in the north, deserts, and wadis near Muscat and the still untouched beauty in Salalah’s south, make Oman more diverse than any other country in the Orient. The following four multi-stop journeys are intended to give you some first impressions of a possible itinerary, which we will then tailor to your individual wishes and select the best accommodation for you. Our team has lived in Oman for several years and is happy to personally advise you.

Oman trips

We are happy to customize any trip to your wishes and ideas. The following trips are just examples of how a trip could look like.

euroon request
clockfrom 7 days
Best of Oman
  • Experience the multifaceted capital Muscat
  • Visit the fascinating mountain side
  • Spend the night under the twinkling starry sky
  • Enjoy relaxing days at the beach
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Salalah Strand
euroon request
clockfrom 7 days
Muscat and the Green South
  • Stroll through the colorful souks
  • Explore the Omani mountains
  • Enjoy the silence of the desert
  • Unwind in Salalah
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euroon request
clockfrom 7 days
Oman's Highlights - On Sinbad's traces
  • Sail on a dhow through the fjords in Musandam
  • Experience the diverse landscapes
  • Sleep in the Wahiba Sands desert
  • Enjoy unforgettable days at Six Senses Zighy Bay
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Muscat Souk
euroon request
clockfrom 7 days
Jewels of the middle east
  • Go Exploring in the Metropolis Dubai
  • Immerse yourself in the traditional Oman
  • Relax in the airy heights of the Omani mountains
  • Fulfill the dream of a desert night
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Schmuckladen im Mutrah Souk in Maskat
eurofrom 3.170 ,-
clockfrom 7 days
Oman Small Group Tour
  • Guaranteed from 2 persons and with a maximum of 12 participants
  • Continuously in 4x4 jeeps along picturesque panoramic routes
  • German-speaking support and Omani tour guide
  • Visit mountain villages, handicraft workshops, green oases, the majestic mountains, colourful souks, the famous cattle market in Nizwa and the Wahiba Sands desert.
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Jeep in the desert
eurofrom 14.885 ,-
clockfrom 11 days
The Oman Expedition
  • Immerse yourself in the traditional Oman
  • Relax in the airy heights of the Omani mountains
  • Fulfill the dream of a desert night
  • Exploring the majestic dunes in the Rub al Khali desert
  • Enjoy tranquility of Salalah's coastline
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Why Oman is a Must-See Destination?

Oman is still an insider tip among travelers, where mass tourism or overcrowded sights are nowhere to be found. Instead, an authentic oriental experience awaits you in the safest travel destination of the Arabian Peninsula: Breathtaking landscapes, fascinating culture, and genuine encounters with the incredibly friendly Omanis.

1. Große Vielfalt bei kurzen Distanzen

Die Distanzen zwischen den einzelnen Highlights sind nicht groß und es gibt sehr viel Abwechslung. Sie können am Morgen in den Bergen aufwachen, am Mittag in einer Oase schwimmen und am Nachmittag auf einer Sanddüne den Sonnenuntergang gucken. Dank der zentralen Lage der Sehenswürdigkeiten ist alles leicht erreichbar.

2. Sicher, modern und herzlich

Das Sultanat Oman ist eines der sichersten Länder der Welt. Häuser und Autos werden oft nicht einmal abgeschlossen, die Einheimischen sind stets hilfsbereit und willkommen heißend. Die Omanis sind ein sehr friedfertiges und liberales Volk, das sich aus Konflikten in der Vergangenheit heraushält und den Besuchern sehr aufgeschlossen gegenüber steht.

3. Familienfreundlich

Sie und Ihre Kinder werden sich in Oman wohlfühlen. Das Land ist sicher, sehr kinderfreundlich und man fühlt sich zu jeder Uhrzeit und in jeder Region wohl. Die Straßen sind gut ausgebaut, die Distanzen zwischen den einzelnen Highlights sind nicht groß und es gibt sehr viel Abwechslung. Die medizinische Versorgung ist sehr gut und Sie haben immer einen persönlichen Ansprechpartner vor Ort, der während der Reise für Sie da ist.

4. Selbstfahrer und Reisen mit privatem Reiseleiter

Oman ist eine ideale Destination für Selbstfahrer! Die Straßen sind sehr gut ausgebaut, die Distanzen kurz und man findet sich sehr gut zurecht. Sie erhalten von uns einen Allrad Jeep inkl. Mobiltelefon, GPS und Routenbeschreibung und auch Offroad Fahrten sind sehr gut zu meistern.

Auch für Reisen mit privatem omanischem Reiseleiter ist das Land perfekt geeignet. Wir kennen alle unsere Guides persönlich und seit vielen Jahren. Die Omanis sprechen gutes Englisch und freuen sich, Ihnen als Reisenden das Land mit all seinen Highlights vorzustellen.

5. Geheimtipps und noch unentdeckt

Oman wird als Reiseziel beliebter, ist aber immer noch von sehr gering frequentiert. Das Land hat in etwa die Fläche von Deutschland, allerdings nur bei ca. 4.5 Millionen Einwohnern. Selbst in den Ferienzeiten haben Sie Wanderwege und Offroad Fahrten nahezu für sich alleine. Reisende treffen oft mehr Kamele als andere Fahrzeuge. Die Flüge in die Region sind ebenfalls nicht überlaufen. Dazu gibt es eine Menge noch quasi unberührter Regionen, wie z.B. die traumhaft schöne Küstenstraße von Maskat bis Salalah in der Region Dhofar. Gerne teilen wir mit Ihnen all unsere Tipps und Empfehlungen, die auf persönlichen Erfahrungen und eigenen Reisen beruhen.

Muttrah Souk in Maskat Omanis bereiten Essen in der Wueste zu

5 Gründe für eine Zusammenarbeit mit Uns

1. Wir sind der führende Oman Spezialist

Wir sind der größte Spezialist für maßgeschneiderte Oman Reisen im deutschsprachigen Raum und verfügen über exzellente Kontakte zu allen Hotels und Partnern vor Ort.

2. Wir kennen alle Unterkünfte und Sehenswürdigkeiten persönlich

Seit 15 Jahren bereisen wir das Sultanat Oman intensiv und mehrmals im Jahr. Viele der Ausflüge und Aktivitäten, die wir anbieten, haben wir exklusiv für unsere Kunden zusammengestellt. Alle Unterkünfte und Zimmerkategorien, sowie auch Sehenswürdigkeiten kennen wir aus eigener Erfahrung und wir können Sie umfassend und gut beraten.

3. Wir haben unsere eigenen Büros und Kollegen in Maskat und Salalah

Als einziger Reiseveranstalter verfügen wir über unsere eigenen Büros in Maskat und Salalah, die Ihre Reise vor Ort von A-Z betreuen. So kommen alle Leistungen aus einer Hand, wir kennen alle unsere Reiseleiter und Fahrer persönlich und verfügen über eigene Fahrzeuge und Ansprechpartner, die für eine reibungslose Durchführung garantieren.

4. Wir haben unser ein eigenes privates Wüstencamp

Neben dem Reiseveranstalter haben wir in der Wüste unser eigenes, privates Wüstencamp „Canvas Club Glamping“ gegründet. Inmitten der Dünen der Wahiba bauen wir für unsere Kunden die luxuriös ausgestatteten Zelte auf, für ein unvergessliches und privates Wüstenerlebnis.

Mehr über Canvas Club Glamping

Mehr über unser spektakuläre Wüstenexpedition

5. Die Omanische Bevölkerung und das Land sind uns wichtig

Ein wertschätzender Umgang mit unseren Partnern vor Ort und eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit Omanis bei unseren Aktivitäten und Programmen ist uns besonders wichtig. Wir haben über die Jahre intensive Partnerschaften und gute Freundschaften aufgebaut und arbeiten nur mit omanischen Reiseleitern. Jede Reise dient dazu Ihnen das Sultanat, seine Einwohner und die Schönheiten des Landes nah zu bringen.

Oman Sights and Highlights

Due to the scenic diversity alone, Oman already has an incredible amount to offer. Nature lovers and action lovers will get their money’s worth in the fascinating desert landscapes, mystical mountain ranges, and surprisingly green oases. For those seeking relaxation, the more than 1,700km long coastline offers one dream beach after another, and exciting cultural highlights await you in the cities and villages.

Due to the scenic diversity alone, Oman already has an incredible amount to offer. Nature lovers and action lovers will get their money’s worth in the fascinating desert landscapes, mystical mountain ranges, and surprisingly green oases. For those seeking relaxation, the more than 1,700km long coastline offers one dream beach after another, and exciting cultural highlights await you in the cities and villages.

Oman's Nature - Mountains, Sea and Desert

The rugged beauty of steep canyons and mist-covered mountain peaks up to 3,000 meters high awaits you on your Oman trip. In between, you will find surprisingly green oases and wadis with crystal clear water. The journey continues into the endless expanses of the desert: Not only the largest contiguous sand desert in the world, the Rub al Khali, lies partly in Oman, but the Wahiba Desert also fascinates its visitors. The magical landscape invites to desert tours and overnight stays in extraordinary desert camps. In addition, with its coastline on the Gulf of Oman, the Arabian Sea, and the Indian Ocean, Oman is a true beach paradise with fascinating diving spots.

Hadjar Gebirge in Oman

Fascinating Culture - Tradition Meets Modernity

Immerse yourself in a mysterious culture that is thousands of years old! Oman’s history dates back to a nation of sailors, traders and explorers. While the society of the oldest independent state in the Arab world has modernized, many aspects of this ancient culture have been preserved.

This symbiosis of new and old defines many parts of Omani culture. Visit the Great Sultan Qaboos Mosque in Muscat or the oasis city of Nizwa to experience this mesmerizing culture. As a World Heritage Site, the former Incense Road offers a unique glimpse into the country’s history.

Große Moschee in Maskat n Oman

People - Warm-Hearted Omanis and Visiting the Bedouins

The hospitality of the Omanis is almost legendary. The locals are incredibly friendly and helpful to strangers. For an authentic encounter, let them invite you for an Omani coffee, traditionally served with dates. The Bedouin people make up only a small part of the Omani population. You should not miss the opportunity to sit with them at the fire and listen to their centuries-old stories.

Even though the reserved and respectful Omanis are unlikely to approach you for inappropriate or negative behavior, you should take some etiquette rules to heart.

Fröhliches Kind in Oman

Have a look at these locations

Due to the scenic diversity alone, Oman already has an incredible amount to offer. Nature lovers and action lovers will get their money’s worth in the fascinating desert landscapes, mystical mountain ranges, and surprisingly green oases. For those seeking relaxation, the more than 1,700km long coastline offers one dream beach after another, and exciting cultural highlights await you in the cities and villages.

Due to the scenic diversity alone, Oman already has an incredible amount to offer. Nature lovers and action lovers will get their money’s worth in the fascinating desert landscapes, mystical mountain ranges, and surprisingly green oases. For those seeking relaxation, the more than 1,700km long coastline offers one dream beach after another, and exciting cultural highlights await you in the cities and villages.


Miles of white sandy beaches, lush palm groves, and spectacular underwater worlds – Salalah is the perfect place for a varied beach vacation. In the interior, blooming oases and beautiful waterfalls await you, while off the coast fascinating diving spots are waiting to be explored.


The capital of Oman is definitely worth a visit and awaits a multitude of exciting sights: Discover the Sultan Qaboos Mosque, one of the largest sacred buildings in the Orient, or the modern Royal Opera House. A stroll through the souk in Muttrah is also not to be missed.

Jebel Shams

Amidst the mystical mountain landscape of the Hajar Mountains is Jebel Shams, Oman’s highest mountain at 3,009 meters. The view from the summit is spectacular and, thanks to the relatively easy climb, accessible even to inexperienced hikers. Below Jebel Shams is the gorge Wadi Nakhar, also known as the “Grand Canyon of Oman”


The oasis city of Nizwa in the north of Oman is still considered an important trading center. Particularly impressive is the fortress complex of Jabrin Castle with a 44-meter-wide round tower. At the souks, the city’s traditional markets, you can browse the finely crafted silver jewelry for which the city is famous.

Wahiba Sands

The beautiful sandy desert of Wahiba Sands is home to the Bedouins and is one of the most exciting places to visit on an Oman vacation. On a camel ride or a jeep safari, you will get a feeling of the endless expanses of the desert. An overnight stay in our unique desert camp is also a magical experience.

Wadi Shab, Wadi Tiwi und Wadi Bani Khalid

Wadis can be found in many places among the mountains or in stony deserts in Oman. These dry river courses and valleys present themselves as idyllic green oases. Against the spectacular backdrop of towering rock formations, the wadis with their emerald green natural pools invite you for a swim.

Best Time to Travel

Grundsätzlich ist Oman ein Ganzjahresziel mit viel Sonne und warmen Badetemperaturen um die 30 Grad. In den Sommermonaten von Juli bis September kann es jedoch extrem heiß und schwül werden. Vor allem die südliche Region um Salalah wird um diese Jahreszeit von dem Monsun Khareef bestimmt, der Regen und sehr schwüles Wetter mit sich bringt. Von Oktober bis April erwartet Sie etwas milderes Klima mit Temperaturen zwischen 20 bis 32 Grad. Hier erfahren Sie mehr über Omans Klima.

In principle, Oman is a year-round destination with lots of sun and warm seaside temperatures around 30 degrees. However, in the summer months from July to September, it can get extremely hot and humid. Especially the southern region around Salalah is dominated by the Khareef monsoon at this time of year, which brings rain and very humid weather. From October to April you can expect a milder climate with temperatures between 20 and 32 degrees. Learn more about Oman’s climate here.

How to travel to oman

Travel Oman by rental car

The roads of Oman are now very well developed. Therefore, you can travel through the country without any problems. Even the coastal route from Muscat to Salalah, a distance of over 1200km and an absolute insider tip, are paved roads. Offroad enthusiasts will also get their money’s worth on our Wadi crossings. Furthermore, the trips in the mountains of Jebel Shams (3.009m) and Jebel Akhdar (2.988m) are great for adventurers. Each self-drive Oman trip is designed by us with a detailed program, maps, and a 4WD Landcruiser with GPS.

Discover the Sultanate with a Guide

We have a team of experienced Omani guides, all of whom we have known personally for several years. For an authentic feeling, we use only Omani guides. This allows you to get to know the culture of the country. Besides, you can enjoy the cordiality of the Omanis. Depending on your wishes and the focus of your trip (culture, hiking, family) we will choose the right guide for you. Before the Oman trip, we discuss the contents with the tour guide personally. This way we can ensure that everything will be according to your wishes.

Oman Group Tour with a Maximum of 12 Travelers

An Oman group tour is another way to discover Oman. During the whole trip,  you will be guided through the country in jeeps. This way you won’t have to miss any of the scenic highlights (desert, oases, off-road roads). To keep the group manageable, we limit the number of participants to 12, which allows us to better cater to individual needs. The Oman group tours take place twice a month. Each tour is guaranteed to take place with a minimum of 2 people and there is always a German-speaking guide.

Anantara Jabal Akhdar

Are you looking for the perfect hotel?

What should you consider when traveling to Oman?

Before the Trip - Visa, Vaccinations, Packing List


Citizens of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland need a passport valid for at least six months. In addition, the application for an e-visa at the Royal Oman Police is required in advance, upon entry a visa can only be issued in exceptional cases. We will be happy to assist you with visa matters. Further information can be found here.


There are no mandatory vaccinations for direct entry from Germany. Nevertheless, it is recommended that you are up to date with the standard vaccinations according to the vaccination calendar of the Robert Koch Institute. If you are entering from a yellow fever area, you must provide proof of a yellow fever vaccination. However, Oman itself is not a yellow fever-infected area. More information about vaccinations and possible infectious diseases can be found here.

During the Trip - Etiquette, Tipping

What are the rules of conduct in Oman?

Oman is a traditional yet open-minded country. Omanis are very hospitable and helpful to strangers. Unlike many other Arab countries, women are not required to wear a veil in public. You only need to wear a headscarf if you want to enter a mosque. Nevertheless, it is recommended to keep shoulders and knees covered at all times. During the fasting month of Ramadan, you should refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, and wearing revealing clothing in public. Here you can learn more about the behavioral norms in Oman.


Generally, similar to Germany, tipping is at your own discretion. As a guideline, depending on your satisfaction, you can calculate about 10% of the invoice amount as a tip. For cab rides, a fixed price is always given, so a tip is not necessarily expected here. In restaurants and hotels, the bill usually already includes a service charge. Whether or not you wish to add an additional tip is at your discretion. For drivers and tour guides, you can expect to tip about three euros per day.

Why book with the Oman specialist

On site

Own Canvas Club team with office in Muscat and Salalah. We know all tour guides for many years, all services on site come from us - from one source!


Every travel consultant has already lived in Oman for several years. We know all the hotels and highlights of the country personally! And are several times a year on the spot.

Hotel product

Own luxury desert camp 'Canvas Club' in the Wahiba Sands desert with exclusive benefits for our clients


Attractive prices and exclusive benefits through long-standing, trusting partnerships with local hoteliers and service providers.


Contactable 7 days a week via all common communication channels - 24h emergency number on site.


Each trip is individually worked out and 100% tailored to your needs!